Basically the general guidelines

  1. we will allow ourselves to dine out once per quarter to allow for the occasional business meeting or special celebrations
  2. if we are out on business or having a meeting in a coffee house we can order the bare minimum needed to mix in, no need to be bigger freaks than we already are, right? **snort**
  3. coffee does not count, we gave up fancy coffee long ago so the occasional coffee we feel is not a problem
  4. if on a business trip there is no way we will be cooking from a hotel room


Hi and Welcome

Welcome to 365 In, A Year of Eating In. This is where we will be tracking our journey, posting our thoughts, weekly menus, recipe links and struggles.

Here is a rough menu plan for the week

Sunday: Cabbage Rolls, Green Peas, bread

Monday: vegetarian day Edamame and Toasted Almond Stirfry, Steamed Snow Peas, Brown Rice

Tuesday:Baked Salmon, Baked Potatoes, Roasted Corn

Wednesday:Bean with Bacon Soup, Raw Carrots

Thursday:Pasta with Simple Pasta Sauce

Friday:Pizza Night!!


Lunches usually consist of leftovers or sandwiches.

Will we make? Will we crack? What are we going to miss the most? Who knows?


  1. Who needs to eat out when the eating is this tasty at home?!?!

    Oh how I love bean with bacon soup. Yum!

    Good luck, Laura!

  2. I think it's a great idea, but it can be time consuming. I'm not going to join you, but I'm going to keep an eye on you guys to see how it's going. I wish you luck with your venture.

  3. I bow to anyone who commits to this. I'll be reading and if I eat out (gasp) I'll keep it a secret. :)
